Artificial Intelligence

Multiple Intelligences

On Monday I learned there's more than one way to be intelligent! According to Howard Gardener's 1983 book "Multiple Intelligence", there are nine different "intelligences":logical-mathematical (the traditional math and logic intelligence), bodily-kinasthetic (control of ones bodily motions), musical, intrapersonal (knowing yourself),verbal-lingustic (a facility with words and languages), naturlastic (skill with plants and animals), existential (religious or philosophical), visual-spatial(the ability to visualize in your mind), and intresporsional (sensitivity to others).

The History Of A.I.

What comes to your mind when you think of Artificial Intelligence? Frankstien? The Terminator? Wall E? Or any science fiction movie that invovles Cyborgs even horror movies too.

The History of Artificial Intelligence began with Greek myths. Like the one Of Hepatetus the man that made mechanical servants and the bronze man talos brought the idea of artificial intelligence. In the 4th century BC Aristotale made syllostic logic, the first deductive reasoning.

Alan Turning

Born in June 23, 1912 Alan turning is mostly remembered for being a code breaker in World War ll. He is most remembered for breaking the German code. And Qouted in Asa Briggs Qoute "You need exceptional talent, you needed genius at bletchley and Turing's was that genius" (21 November 2011). Britians Greatest Code Breaker. In the 50's Alan made the "Turning machine" a compug.ter program that imitates a human being.

Chatter Bots.

Chater bots are on line computer programs that let you interecate with an on line server. You put in something and you get something out. The first Chatbot was Eliza, programmed in 1966. On Monday I had a conversation with Jabber Wacky and AlICE. I had a spanish conversation with Jabber wacky. I think Jabber wacky knows a lot of languages.

Proagramming our own Chat bots.

On Tuesday we learned how to program our own chat bots. The first question it would ask us what is our name. And it would be able to respond our name in the answer.

The way I wan't to program this Jabber wacky was that you fill in the blank to move on as you can see I try to made it sing the Rose by Conway Twitty. But I couldn't figure out how to fix my code. Because it keep asking me what, I wanted to answer. So I gave up on writing the song. I just programmed it to write random question but then it kept itself as you can see in the photo above.

Today on Wednesday we programmed our chat bots to say stuff that we wanted it to say. Like the macentosh. Here are photos of conversations I had with them They were able to say some stuff correctly out loud but the tone of the voice in all is the same.

The Smartest Machine on Earth

On Thursday we worked on or Fact bots to try to make it answer our questions. After lunch time we watched an episode on Nova about artificial Intelligence on the smartest Machine on earth. Watson the computer that competed on Jeopardy. It was interesting to note that this computer couldn't understand letters that humans would be a able to understand like "A" then you show the computer lower case "a" it be like how is that "A?" If the other "A" is different. I also learned that Watson doesn't hear it only see's visual texts to answer the question so if a human gets the answer wrong. Watson might repeat the same mistake as the human did. So the people that programmed him had to find a way to change him.


On Friday we learned how to program our own game of rock paper and scissors.

Hang man

My program did work like a normal game of hangman would. Just that this one is eletronic.

This is the copy of my code. This code did work. You can see the photo above of how the words that I wanted were used randomly. This game was fun, it was very entertaning and some of the words that I put in I didn't even know.

Tic tac toe

On Tuesday we got to program our own game of tic tac toe we used special codes like draw boards. As well as using special codes we also had to define them. Like in the photo show here.

If you didn't define your words you'll get an error message Like I got so then I spent the next twelve years trying to define what square means.Not literally I'm just still trying to define square in python


On Wendsday I spent the whole day troubleshooting erros on my game of tic tac toe. I fixed some errros but not all but I was thrown back exactly to where I started.

As you can see from this photo the game doesn't in fact truly work if it doesn't what a word is specified to do. You have to give the word fuctions so python knows what its gonna do in the game.

Even though I fixed this code there are some errors that I wousn't able to understand. Well they weren't errors, but I couldn't understand why was the program that I would give it a number it would give me the same number back.I was completely back to were I started and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

Today I continued on my trouble shooting. Today I did get somewhere but not were I wanted to be. Even though I did fix the program I still encountered othe one was such as when I put in a number it will continue to ask for the same "Whats your move again". I still trying to figure out how to fix this but I have been looking at the example on line. But now that I put any number an error message comes up saying blist is not defined. So now I have to define blist. After defining BList I encountered another problem fixing fuction problems just don't know how to fix them.

Today on our final day of the week. I still trouble shooted my tic-tac-toe game. Even though I added more code the game didn't fuction the way I wanted too. The code only trouble shooted the error messages that came back but I was still back to where I started I put in a number at least this time it didn't type the same number back. But it asked for "Whats your move" Again,again, after I typed te number in.
